The Problem: this is SUCH a minor thing but i hate not being able to ctrl+F for decks in my mastered page on etcg, especially now that i'm constantly changing what era numbers I put in
The Solution: i made my Mastered page just a plain boring list. sharing in case anyone else has this peeve
Caveats: i use new etcg and i mod the fuck out of etcg so i hope this code is the same in yours. if you're going to add the "expose which decks lack badges" after, skip this and just do that one since it's included.
in your mastered.php find this line (334 for me but ymmv)
echo '<a href="mastered.php?id='.$id.'&deck='.$row['id'].'"><img src="'.$tcginfo['cardsurl'].''.$row['badge'].'" alt="'.$row['deck'].'" title="Mastered '.$row['mastereddate'].'" /></a> ';
change that to
echo '<a href="mastered.php?id='.$id.'&deck='.$row['id'].'">'.$row['deck'].'</a><br> ';